Saturday, November 19, 2011

A new found love...

Wow it has been quite a while since I last wrote anything on here. I had to dust the spiderwebs from this blog. Anyway I'll give you a quick run down on what has been going on in my life thus far. My mac book broke and I cant afford to fix it right now so yeah I have to use other people's computers. School is going well so far, I have pretty much aced my speech class. Even though I do all of my speeches last minute and somehow seem to do an awesome job at them. For one of my speeches I took a piece of Eddie Murphy's Delirious act and did a re-enactment of it. I had the entire class laughing and received awesome compliments. If you don't know me by now you know I love compliments haha. My art classes on the other hand are getting very complicated and I guess somewhat difficult. I have hit that wall that every artist hits and can't seem to break through, but I know I will soon. Alright well onto the better news of my life, I got a job!! yes I finally got a job and it is awesome! I work as a bartender at this craft beer bar in West Covina. Ok so if you're not sure what craft beer is then I suggest you take sometime and get lost on these very awesome websites , You can learn about all sorts of information on this art form. I have fallen in love with craft beer and the more I find out about different types of beers, the deeper in love I get. ::Nerd Alert:: I just bought two bottles of a pretty rare beer on Ebay hahaha I know, I know. Anyway there is a huge community out there that follows craft beer and a lot of people go to great lengths for them. Some of these beers are seasonal or not brewed anymore and are even few in the world. It's like having rare Yugioh cards, well at least that's how I see it. I am a rookie when it comes to craft beer but I am slowly learning more about it. Now I know what you're probably thinking and NO! I am not an alcoholic. The thing people need to understand is that a lot if not most of these beers are very high in alcohol percentage and therefore you don't chug the crap out of them. You serve them in a nice glass and take in the aromas, then you just sit back and sip your beer. Also the thing to do with craft beer is that you share the bottle with friends, so that they too can join you in deliciousness that is the heaven of craft beer. Ok I am rambling too much, if you would like to drop by the bar and experience the taste of a craft beer then come on by. Around the Corner, 1032 Valinda Ave. West Covina, CA.
