Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You saw what?!

Howdy there!

OK so I have been doing community service and will be for the next month or so at the LA County Coroner's Office. The reason for it
is something I can't really be discussing on here, unless you're my friend. So become my friend and I will tell you, otherwise let's just say I was having too much fun with friends haha. Any who getting back to my story, if you don't know what goes on inside the walls of this place then your jaw is about to drop! This is where they take all of the dead bodies of LA County that either need an autopsy or need to be claimed by a family member. What I do is janitorial stuff like cleaning the restrooms, taking out the trash or other things that janitor people do. Now if you're wondering "Gee Bray do you get to see dead bodies and stuff?" then my answer to you my friend is yes! I get to see the dead bodies that come and go every day.
Some people can handle it and some can't but since I'm so fascinated with the human body. Especially the female body eh eh ;-) yea I know corny. Anyway, each day there is something new to see and I love it! I mean I'm not happy about what happened to me but I guess I'm doing better than my frozen friends down at the morgue. I think the only time I actually felt really sad about the realities of life and death is when I saw a 2-month old baby. This was the baby that was involved in the accident at the LA Downtown Art Walk, yes the one that was run over by the car. It was pretty sad because he had only been dead for about 4 hours when I saw him. Alright well that's my story for today folks, hope you had fun. Please share this blog with your friends or you can just tell them I suck and should never lay eyes on this blog ever. Either way its all gravy in my book, hopefully you keep coming back :-) oh by the way I know I'm probably supposed to be writing about art and whatnot but just be patient as my experiences in the art world have yet to blossom. Until next time, peace!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Is craigslist a black hole for unwanted jobs?

Ok so I have been applying for jobs on craigslist for a while now and I am starting to wonder if they are even real. I have not heard from any of these employers, not even to tell me that I don't meet their standards. I'm not sure if anyone else out there has had the same experience as me but it's pretty interesting. Some of these jobs are just too good to be true and usually turn out to be something other than what the employer or company had described. I remember once I had applied to this job posting that read "make money selling art replicas" the job description said that I would be selling replicas of paintings to hotels, companies and other places. The company also said that I would get paid training and if hired I would be able to make a good living. So I applied to this job and got an interview. I kept thinking to myself that I could sell things over the phone, I didn't think it would be that hard. So the manager called me back for a second interview and also mentioned that I would be going out onto the field that day with a seller to experience a day on the job. I was pretty excited because I had a great feeling that I would get the job, mind you I'm still clueless about what this job really is all about. So I arrived to the place dressed like a million bucks, my hair was combed, I had on my best slacks and button up shirt. I was ready to get this show on the road and make myself known to these people. I was gonna show them why I would be a great asset to this company, I wasn't going to give them any other choice but to hire me. So the interview went well and it was time to "go out" into the field. I'm still thinking the seller is gonna take me into an office building with a few phones and show me how to sell. Well little did I know I was gonna be in the middle of Wilshire and who knows what, carrying freaking posters of paintings in frames trying to sell them to the people eating at El Pollo Loco and such. My goodness was I embarrassed! the day was so hot too and I was not dressed in clothes that would keep me cool. I did that for 8 hours and the seller I was with only sold 6 posters. I wanted to ditch the guy and call a friend to pick me up but I had left my car back at the office. So yeah to make a long story short this job was not what I was expecting and therefore I think craigslist is a black hole for jobs that people wouldn't really want to do.


I'm giving this blog thing another try.

Hello friends of the interwebs, my name is Bray and I am an artist pursing a dream of one day making it big. I've given the whole blog thing a try many times but I have always managed to be lazy about it. This will be my last try but this time I want to do things a bit different, I want to post interesting things about what I experience in life. Some things might be boring and some might be more exciting but I will try to make it entertaining nonetheless. Thank you in advance for reading and I hope you stay a while.
